Loris Cecchini (Milan, 1969) lives and works between Tuscany and Berlin.  Among his most recent solo exihibitions we recall here:  Palazzo delle Papesse, Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena (1998);  Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Cologne (1999);  Fondazione Bandera, Busto Arstizio (Milan, 2000);  Maschio Angioino, Naples (2000);  Centro Galego de arte contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela (2000);  Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelburg (2001);  Fondazione Teseco, Pisa (2002);  Cappa Mazzoniana Stazione Termini, Rome (2002);  Quarter, Centro Produzione Arte, Florence (2004);  Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin (2004);  Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2004 & 2007); Museo Casa Solleric, Palma de Mallorca (Spain, 2004); Photology, Milan (2005);  Centro per l’arte contemporanea “L. Pecci” Prato (2009);  Musèe d’Art Modern, St. Étienne (2010);  Fondazione Garrone, Genoa (2011), CCC Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence (2012); Museo del Novecento, Milano (2022).

In 2005 , during the 51st Biennal of Venice, he won the “Prize for Young Italian Art 2004-2005”.

Among his many permanent public installations, we recall here Waterbones on the façade of the Biblioteca Lazzerini, Prato (2018) and, along the city walls of via Cavour in the same city, Spindles (2022).

For information: www.loriscecchini.com


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