Daniele Lombardi

Daniele Lombardi (Florence, August 12, 1946 - Florence, March 11, 2018)) was a composer, pianist and visual artist.
He worked extensively on the music of the twentieth-century avant-garde movements, including first modern performances of a large number of compositions of Italian and Russian Futuristic music. His education, in both music and the visual arts, placed him in the position to incorporate sign, gesture, and sound into a unitary concept of multiple perception, through analogies, contrasts, stratifications, and associations.The drawings, paintings, computer graphics, videos, which he producing from 1969 on, were the results of the trans-codification of musical thought into images, a visualization of energies lying behind the sound itself, as potential becoming.
Lombardi believed visual expression and sound to be inseparably joined and his research ranged between abstract inner visions and the idea of an impact on everyday life, between the ready-made and the mirage.
In 1998 he was the first artist invited by SMAC (Metropolitan System for Contemporary Art) to present his multimedia work for Regione Toscana with exhibitions and concerts: at Prato (Pecci Museum), Pistoia (Fabroni Museum), and Florence (performance of the Two Symphonies for 21 pianos at the Uffizi Courtyard).
Among his exhibitions, in Italy and abroad, we recall here: Palazzo Novellucci, Prato (1983);Repubblica di San Marino (1986);Studio Morra, Naples (1991);Galleria Carini, Florence (1992); I.C.A. Institut of Contemporary Arts, London (1992); Hotel de Galiffet, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Paris (1993); Centro delle Arti Zamalek, Il Cairo (1996); Fondazione Mudima, Milan (1997); Museo Fabroni, Pistoia (1998);Museo Pecci, Prato (1998); IIC Spazio Italia, Los Angeles (2000); Music Biennale - Berlin (2001); Accademia Chigiana - S.Maria della Scala, Siena (2002); MLAC Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Università della Sapienza di Roma, Rome (2006);Giardino di Boboli, Florence (2006);Fondazione Mudima, Milan (2007);Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Palazzo Pitti, Florence (2013); MACRO, Roma (2017). 


For more informations: www.danielelombardi.com


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